Monday, July 30, 2007

The Great Compromise

In case you didn't know... or didn't care... one of the changes to my 'new' site has been the addition of 'The Dialogue Record.' This is an 'official' record of anything that I deem personally significant to me and my personality, outlook on life, opinions regarding the world around me, or the intended slant of my blog. Believe it or not- some people actually paid attention to this.

Some readers- not too many, but enough- have complained about certain 'views' and 'pics' no longer being easily viewed on the main page. Although I am not giving in to this lack of vision for the new look, I am allowing a compromise (which in itself should be officially record in the dialogue record) in hopes of making everyone a little happier.

As of Today, you can click on 'The Dialogue Record' link and it will take you to a listing of ALL records that are no longer viewed on the main page. This allows the record events to be placed in a unique category with special attention paid to each one. A particular entry will only be placed in this section after it can no longer be viewed on the main page.

So, if any of you actually do care… you may now reacquaint yourself with the Dialogue’s Official Record. Enjoy.

Dialogue Record

Official Dialogue Record Entry Links are only available in this location
after the entry is no longer visible on the main page.
You will also find the links to various Dialogue Records in the Dialogue Archive.

Record Entry 1:
A Disclaimer concerning The Dialogue Author's intent.
The Dialogue's Official Declaration supporting the War.
The Dialogue's naming of Avalon as 'The Greatest Christian Group Of All Time'
The stance of The Dialogue on various political and social issues.
The '2007 Charter Member' status of The Dialogue in the 'Farley Wells Official Fan Club'
The Dialogue's endorsement of political pundit, Ann Coulter
The Dialogue as an Official Member of the
Electronic Frontier Foundation
and supporter of Free Speech Online
The Dialogue Officially Endorses Mike Huckabee
for President of the United States of America
The Dialogue
Officially Endorses Sarah Palin
for Vice-President of the United States of America

Saturday, July 28, 2007

That's A Wrap

I love Vacation Bible School, but I love when it’s over! Vacation Bible School could never be a success without all of the wonderful volunteers who help make it so. This year we had so many volunteers- there were so many people who wanted to help and did so. THANK YOU ALL!

Some of our success stories:

One family was visiting from another Pentecostal Church from another state. They had two children and the young boy had a speech problem. Apparently it has affected him so negatively that he does not attend Sunday school, VBS, or church functions where he would have to be on his own. From what his mother said, he is very concerned about it.

On Tuesday he showed up at VBS with his sister who had attended the day before. She had talked him into going. He came and opened right up. He even participated in our contests for cool shades and secret disguise day. His mother called home and told her family a miracle had happened. She was very excited and very hopeful that it would carry over when they get back home. I truly hope it does! Thank you God for allowing us to be used, and thank you to our VBS staff for your dedication to all children.

We had another family attend VBS that are not members of our church. They have three children, although only two were old enough to attend VBS. The mother was so impressed with our church family that she asked if she could show up early to drop and pick her kids up from VBS just so she could visit with our ladies. I talked with her for just a few moments on Friday and really expect to see them in our service sometime soon!

We also had a number of first time visitors who have never attended our church. Equally exciting were the bus children who attend our Sunday school who were able to attend despite the fact that our vans had to be put in the shop. I am really looking forward to some positive results from last week.

Of course, we had our bumps as well! We had kids who vomited, scraped their knees, bumped their heads, broke their glasses, and even a broken arm! (Pray that it heals quickly and smoothly, please!) Anyone who can hold a week long event equally as intense and not have any accidents is something. No matter what, it was a success.

It was a success because of our workers and their attitudes. Everyone was so willing to do whatever needed to be done and we had so much help. There was a real attitude of willingness this year that hasn’t always been collectively present. It seemed as if everyone wanted to be involved- from families who have been in our church family for many years to our newest members. It was fantastic!

I cannot mention VBS without referring you to the pictures on Sis. Mandy's and Sis. Julie’s Blog. You will smile.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dialogue Record Entry #6

(In case you have missed the link on my page all this time...)
The Dialogue Officially Endorses Coulter

Another Justification for My Crush

Sunday, July 22, 2007

VBS 2007

Well, it’s that time again… time for VBS! Tomorrow starts our annual Vacation Bible School at Life Tabernacle. This year we are on a mission to become agents for Jesus; agents who trust, unite, train, follow, and lead others to Christ.

Although I am the Director, VBS is always something that cannot happen without MANY other people. This year, with everything that has gone on in my family, we have started a little late and ran quickly to catch up. Everyone has been wonderful and I am blessed to have people who love me and are willing to follow.

I always have a handful of young people who sign up to help as well- and I love using young people. It has sort of been a neat experience because all of the young people I am using only remember Vacation Bible Schools that I have directed. Most of them know exactly what I want them to do and how I want them helping the kids. Many of them usually enjoy ‘helping’ the kids from class to class more than anything else. (Basically they still get to be a part even though they are older.)

This year we have several new ideas that we are trying out. Our day will be a little longer and we will serve lunch and have a ‘recess’ with bounce houses and more. We incorporated online registration as well. I was laughing earlier today because some people just couldn’t figure it out and I had some really funny forms sent in. We still had the paper registration- for those who haven’t yet upgraded.

I did realize today that this will be the first Vacation Bible School without my mother being involved somewhere. I remember several Vacation Bible Schools that she directed when I was a child. I miss her.

So, if you do not hear from me, it is because I will be busy and then exhausted by the end of the week; however, it will be worth it all. I think working with children is a bit more different than working with other age groups. You are always willing to see the results instantly, and pray to see them, but most of the time you know that you are working for just the possibility of a future result.

I believe the great hope of anyone who works with children is that one day, when the time comes and the decision is being weighed, there is just too much truth to push away, making the wrong choice.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Milk Math

The last few weeks I have been walking a financial tight rope trying to keep two households running while we orient ourselves and figure out what we are going to do in the future. It has been more than a headache. One of the most unexpected parts has been the inability to keep enough milk in the fridge.

I don’t know about every other family but my family has never been easy on the milk supply. I remember our fridge always having at least one gallon of milk if not two. Everyone in our family LOVES milk and at almost $3.65 a gallon it is not inexpensive- especially in large quantities. At the moment I cannot think of one member that does not. (We even have a family photo that was used in a national milk commercial in the thirties.)

I guess our love affair with milk has had its advantages. What my parents spent on milk they gained back in low doctor and dentist bills. I have never had a cavity and if my memory serves me right, Jason has not had one either. Neither of us have ever broken nor sprained any bones- except for that nasty little nose thing with Jason a few months ago. Of course if you really want to get technical, it was only cartilage that he broke- not bone.

Even when I moved out of my parent’s house I bought milk by the gallon. It always was used by the expiration date for sure. We are milk drinkers.

Lately this concept is being realized in a whole new way- and not nearly as appreciated this time. Since we have been back in Wichita Falls- Jason was married on the 7th of July- I have purchased a total of seven gallons of milk and my grandfather has purchased four. That comes to a grand total of ELEVEN gallons of milk in just over two weeks. That is almost ONE GALLON A DAY! At $3.65 the total for all eleven gallons comes to $40.15. Talk about needing a budget!

I am just amazed. How can one twenty-something, two sixteen year olds, and one seventy-six year old drink eleven gallons of milk in just that short amount of time? It’s not like I allow my brothers to have a glass during the day or at anytime they want. My parents didn’t either. I have no idea how we are drinking this much milk?

I do know that my grandfather has two glasses a day, give or take one, which averages out to fourteen glasses in a full week. This would be essentially one and three-fourths gallons of milk each week- not all that much.

That being the case, occasionally I will have a bowl of cereal in the morning, but not always, as I am not a morning person. So, assuming I have one bowl a day- lets round up and make the bowl a whole cup of milk- that equals seven cups a week. What I sometimes do is have a glass in the evening. (I do not do that every day by any means.) So let’s tack on an extra four glasses to my tally. I am now at eleven cups of milk in a week. This would put my intake at approximately one and three-eights of a gallon each week.

So, my grandfather and I can be held responsible for almost two gallons of milk in a week. Let’s round up and multiply that number by two to have a grand total of four gallons. (Remember- so far we have rounded up in every situation.)

Assuming that my numbers are somewhat correct; David and Brandon are responsible for each downing three and a half gallons of milk- a total of seven- since we have returned on July 7th.

That is totally outrageous! How on earth did my parents keep milk in the house and money in their pocket?

With all the problems that have come up- the milk situation, where I feel as if I am buying a gallon every other day- has been the most astounding. It may do a body good, but goodness… this is ridiculous!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Look of Relevant

In order to keep my site fresh and relevant I have decided on a new look, as well as some changes.

First, and foremost, the header. The old philosophy guiding the original header was that simple was not only elegant but also effective. While this idea still holds merit- as the overall site has become even more 'simple'- I have taken a new approach with regards to the header. Now, the site screams seriousness and professionalism. (We will see how long that lasts!)

Second, you will find that many of the unique and 'homemade' pics and links are now missing. The reason for this is simple. I have now started a Dialogue Record. There are four Entries in this Record. The first entry happened in March of 2007. It was at that time that I needed to state a simple disclaimer for the site. The three most recent entries into the Dialogue Record are items that were created by me to convey to my readers my own personal feelings on various issues. From time to time there will be more such entries into the Dialogue Record. Feel free to venture back in time to preview these entries and comment on them if they inspire you to do so.

Thirdly, you will find that some of the links have been updated. For some time many bloggers who have been listed as "Dialogue Friends" no longer blog. In order to continue providing my readers with accurate links, many of these defunct links have been irradiated.

It is with great pleasure that I bring to you the newest offering from the Dialogue. Enjoy.

Dialogue Record Entry #5

The Dialogue is an
of the Farley Wells Fan Club

Dialogue Record Entry #4

Dialogue Record Entry #3

Dialogue Officially Endorses This Group As
The GREATEST Christian GROUP of ALL Time

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Game

While looking back at other blogs over the last few weeks, I noticed that I was tagged in this ABC-like game. I had no idea so here is my attempt at setting the record straight. Enjoy...

Available or Single; Why is it ‘Available OR Single’ couldn’t you only be available if you were single… don’t answer.

Best Friend; God- everyone else seems to be dying!

Cake or Pie; Pie- especially if it’s BLUEBERRY!

Drink of Choice; Tea- Unsweet

Essential Item; Cell Phone

Favorite Color; Green

Gummi Bears or Worms; I don’t like anything gummi; however, I do like worms- I think they are pretty cool and nice to play with

Hometown; Wichita Falls, Texas

Indulgence; Vanilla Dr. Pepper

January or February; FEBRUARY- of course- especially the 3rd

Kids; Well… sorta… but that goes back to that whole issue of everyone dying off

Life Isn’t Complete Without…; Faith, Love, Family, & Friends

Marriage date; This one also presents a problem. Why would someone ask about a Marriage date after asking if someone was available OR single? Sounds like someone is trying to get something started up in here…

Number of Siblings; 4

Oranges or Apples; Apples, Apple Juice, Apple Sauce, Apple Pie- It’s all good!

Phobias/Fears; Spiders

Favorite Quote; “Never ask a guy where he is from. If he is from Texas he'll tell ya', if not you'll embarress him."

Reasons to Smile; A beautiful day surrounded by friends

Season(ing); Seasons- Spring & Summer, Seasoning- Salt

Tag Three- A Fellow Political Mind, A Stranger, & The Resting Blogger

Unkown Fact About Me; I used to have a French Pen-pal in grade school and I found some of the letters the other day

Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals- I oppress chicken, turkey, shrimp, lobster, crab, and some fish- not catfish- yuck!

Worst Habit; All of my habits are good! >:o}

X-rays or Ultrasounds; I think this one is stupid- they were really trying for something here

Your Favorite Foods; Sea Food, Mexican, Oriental, Pat’s Hamburgers

Zodiac; Aquarius

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


In spite of the fact that the democrats were able to gain a small foothold in the last election they have thus far been very unsuccessful- America is still a free democracy.

Just a few days ago the Immigration Bill died in the Senate. Thank God. I whole-heartedly support some type of Immigration Reform but nothing like the lousy work that was meandering through the legislative process. So much attention was paid that nice piece of work that another more important attack on America’s freedoms has successfully passed the Democratic House and now sits in the hands of your elected Senators. The Bill is entitled, ever so nicely, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, i.e. the Hate Crimes Bill.

For those of you who do not know anything about the type of ‘Hate Crimes’ listed in HR-1592, or it’s senate version S-1105, just ask Alan Rowlinson, of the United Kingdom, whose son now has a criminal record for calling a school mate ‘gay’ in an e-mail. The 11 year old had police officers knocking on the door of his home to all but haul him away for such horrible indecency.

The United Kingdom is not the only country with such ‘Hate Crime’ bills. In Sweden it has now become illegal for teaching out of the book of Leviticus due to the fact that it might be misconstrued as a perceived act of aggression on a non Christian- punishable for no less than 30 days in jail.

Of course many other countries have also enacted their own sensors on free speech. Australia and Canada are two of the most recent. Several Canadian ministers and pastors have been fined and jailed for speaking ‘hate’ against sodomy and other forms of protected life choices, i.e. abortion and Islam.

The current piece of legislation that is halfway through congress is full of punishments for those who harm or exhibit a “perceived” harm to any individual based on religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. At first glance this bill might look almost wholesome; however, that is not the case.

Every state in the United States has laws and acts to protect against discrimination against gender, age, religion, and ethnicity. The only thing missing form the local and state statutes is the protection of individuals who are homosexual- or as I prefer to say sodomites. Furthermore, the United States needs no national law to criminalize an act of violence against an individual. ALL acts of violence are criminalized already- the one exception being the act of abortion.

The ‘Hate Crimes’ bill, as it has been so cleverly named by democrats, would allow individuals who exhibit a perceived threat, by action or word, to homosexuals to be punished at the Federal level for NO less than 10 years in prison. It doesn’t take an Oklahoman to realize that this bill is an attempt to protect and legitimize the act of sodomy in the United States. Once protected, sodomy becomes validated and naturally progresses onward to something that is guaranteed ‘God given’ rights- i.e. marriage and tax breaks.

It would be nice to think that such a thing could never happen but it is halfway through the process. Right now this particular bill sits in committee in the U.S. Senate having passed the House on May 3, 2007. If you have not contacted your senator, or at least made sure that he is voting against this bill you need to do so. Why? Because it matters.

The Immigration Bill died because thousands of phone calls and letters filled the Senate building in opposition. No one would back it- even if the President was for the bill. You can make a difference. Let the individuals YOU elected know how YOU feel.

Congressional Numbers
for the United States House of Representatives

150 Members of Congress are Catholic
72 are Baptist
65 are Methodist
49 are Presbyterian
41 are Episcopalian
37 are Jewish
29 have no religious denomination
15 are Mormon
7 are atheist
3 are openly gay
1 is a practicing Muslim