Monday, April 30, 2007


Once you have been through a circumstance there is a depth of understanding that you gain that could not have happened by any other means. There are days when I still ache inside and would give anything to sit and talk with my father. I miss him very much. My prayers are, since I first heard about, and will continue to be with the Shahan family.

For several weeks after my father died there were certain things that I just didn’t have the strength to do. One of them was pray. When I say pray, I mean the heavy stuff… the stuff that walks with God are made out of. Get out the prayer list- go through line by line, and spend a little time travailing and bearing a burden; the prayer that takes some strength.

I will never forget the day that the poem, ‘Footprints in the Sand’ came to life for me. I remember feeling that ‘tug’- the tug you get when you are being called to prayer. It was then that I realized that I had not really ‘prayed’ since my father died. Suddenly, as if the Holy Ghost allowed me to look back in time over the past few weeks, I saw that I had not really had the strength to carry myself and all along God had been carrying me. It was as if He was saying, “Alright, I’m going to set you down now… you’re alright… I’m here… you can start to walk on your own again… you’ll be fine.” And I was.

I knew at that moment that it was the prayers of the saints that had carried my so long. At times during those first few weeks I literally felt as if I would ‘lose it’ or collapse with exhaustion and then suddenly strength would just come. I didn’t even realize it was happening until that day I was able to look back. I saw it. I will never forget seeing it. I will never forget seeing my life, and the life of my family, being carried by the prayers of saints of God.

Lately I am filled with the impression that God is, has been, and will always be- there. God is where we are. He is Emmanuel- God with us. Of all the things God is I am so thankful that He is with us!

God will carry the Shahan family. The prayers of the saints will help give them strength even when they don’t know they are getting it. Heaven will grow sweeter. Faith will become more unyielding. God will be with them.


Keith and Carla said...

So beautifully said, Joseph!

Michelle said...

So wonderful Bro Joseph, I'm so glad He carries us through our trials.

Karla said...

Joseph, this is the most beautiful post you've presented! I never thought of it this way, but now I can look back and see the same thing from this perspective. Thanks for putting it into words!

Linda Elms said...

Amen to all you said, Joseph. I know I had to have the "prayers of the saints" carry me the last 7 years. Yes, I've prayed and carried a burden at times, but there are those times I haven't been able to carry myself and I knew others were carrying me. Thank you for this post. I needed it. God is taking care of the Shahan's and will continue to do so. Our prayers are with them.

Karen Prince said...

A beautiful post.
I am forever grateful that we have a God who hears us and understands our needs. He truly cares for us.