Saturday, April 21, 2007

At Rest

Tomorrow I will be leaving for a week to head to Chicago with my Mother. We will be flying out from Wichita Falls on Sunday and not returning for a whole week! I am thrilled!

We are going to see if my Mother is able to be a part of a clinical trial that is starting at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. God has worked everything into place; I cannot imagine that she would not be able to be a part of the trial .

It will be nice just to be away from everything- even if it is because of the cancer. (I am sure there are those who know exactly what I mean.) With everything that has been happening in all aspects of my life- I feel a little spent.

So... the Dialogue of Joseph James is officially 'At Rest' as of Sunday morning- and will be so for approximately seven days. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Signing off...

1 comment:

Linda Elms said...

Joseph, be careful. You will be missed. I will be praying for you and Sis. Barbara! Love ya'll!