Monday, May 07, 2007

The Forking of 1816 Wilson

Alright... I consider myself 'paid in full' for all the youthful pranks of papering people's houses. This past weekend several young people... and I won't name any names... (Kelly Meacham, Shannon Pursel, Kimberly Pursel- who happened to leave her shoe at my house as she ran away, unknown girl from Iowa Park, and various others) papered and forked MY house after a failed attempt at the Jordan residence.

They would probably have succeeded without being caught had I not been unexpectedly up due to the fact that I had previously washed my bedding and forgot to dry it before attempting to go to bed. I was up an extra hour or so nodding off in the den while waiting for my sheets to dry.

Once I finally did get them dry, I headed to my room to put them on the bed only to hear something being tossed on my roof. Needless to say the evening, or morning, wrapped up to find myself running barefoot down my street in camo P.J.'s chasing the previously stated criminals down with my famous Crusader Camp Supper Soaker Flash Flood... one of my favorite toys.

Of course the real horror of the event has been the last several days. Toilet paper has been stuck in my trees for days and because it continues to rain it simply falls to the lawn in small heaps of mushy goo... only to dry in a few hours and fly around the neighborhood into everyone's trees and yard. A sincere, 'thank you' to everyone involved... (next time I will call the cops... my dispatcher friend tells me it's a $50 a roll fine... well over $600 for the nice little art work on my lawn... :0).

Love in Christ,


Tammy Bryant said...

What a bummer - wet toilet paper in the front yard. I just want to know where is the video of it all.

Michelle said...

I keep imagining you running down the street after them in my head, and I can't stop laughing! Sorry about the clean up job though.

Mandy said...

Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, You have got to be one of the funniest people I know. Having been raised in a very funny family filled with witty people I am not easily humored but each I read a post such as this I can't stop laughing. You are a very funny man!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't there something in scripture that says something kind of like, "...whatever you sow, you will reap." Well, maybe taken a little out of context but you get the point. lol Why is it so much fun to "paper" and "fork" someone's yard?

Lynn said...

I'm like my dad. You wrap my house, you'll get shot. Plain and simple. That is, when I have a home, and a shotgun, and know how to use it, and am awake later than 9:45 PM. :)

Joseph James said...

LOL When you know how to use it! How funny... I tried to load the pictures but the local weather has been playing havoc on my wireless provider.

Lynn said...


Madison S. said...

ROFL This is to funny Joseph!!!! Oh the days of when we did this back home. And what is really funny are the times we snuck out of our house and my parents never knew. They had told people not our girls they were home all night. We have since confessed. But I go on record that I have never done this to anyone in Wichita Falls. So don't reap anything you might want sewen back :)

Joseph James said...

Glad to know that you are laughing about me running through the street Michelle