Unlike us Texans, who still have a whole month to go, you need to know who you are voting for. Some of you have no idea, and are still looking for a credible place to find solid information about each person running. If this sounds like you then you need to get online and read about the people running on your Secretary of State's website. It is the constitutional mandate of these people to provide you with the most unbiased information concerning elections.
Some of you have no idea if you can vote. In Texas ANYONE can vote in ANY primary just as long as they do not vote in BOTH primaries. This is not always the case... and many states require that you be registered to vote. Texas does require registration for primary voting.
For all of my readers from other states... here is the low down:
California: If you are an Independent you can vote in the Democrat primary but you cannot vote in the Republican primary, it is open to only registered Republicans.
Georgia: This is a total open primary.
Illinois: This is a total open primary.
Massachusetts: Independents may vote in ANY primary. Registered Republicans and Democrats may only vote in party primaries.
New Jersey: Same as Massachusetts.
New York: Closed Primary. Only Registered Republicans and Democrats may vote in their specific party primary.
Alabama: This is a total open primary.
Arizona: Closed Primary. (See New York)
Arkansas: Total Open Primary.
Colorado: Closed Caucus. Independents cannot attend- voting is done much like Iowa, in that caucus goers may vote several times until a winner is declared.
Connecticut: Closed Primary.
Minnesota: Open Caucus. Anyone may attend an individual caucus.
Missouri: Open Primary.
Oklahoma: Closed Primary.
Tennessee: Open Primary.
Alaska: Semi-Open Caucus. Independent voters may attend and register to participate on the day of the caucus. (If you are in Alaska you can just 'show up and vote')
Delaware: Closed Primary.
Idaho: No Republican Primary or Caucus. (This is a Republican strong-hold, the state has never gone blue.)
Kansas: No Republican Primary or Caucus. (Republicans will hold a caucus on a different date.)
Montana: Closed Caucus only open to Republican invitation.
New Mexico: No Republican Primary or Caucus. (See Idaho)
North Dakota: Semi-Open Caucus for Democrats and Total Open Caucus for Republicans. (See Alaska)
Utah: Semi-Open Primary. Independents may vote in any primary, Republicans and Democrats may only vote in party primaries.
West Virginia: Closed Republican Caucus.
Remember... if you have no idea who to vote for... just ask!
Thanks for all the info...I for one know what it's like to show up to vote and being informed to get on out!
Great information. Thanks, Joseph.
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