Sunday, January 13, 2008

Life Tabernacle is on the Advance

I was going to post a slideshow (Aprelle tells me that blog slide shows are ranking high in her new poll) on my blog this evening of the trip I took to the Wichita Mountains with a few friends. I will save that and post it later.

Instead, I want to blog about this evening’s service. A friend of mine, a young man I grew up with, Andrew Elms, ministered. He was anointed.

I have noticed in the last several years that it is a joy to grow up in the church and watch as people you grew up with are used of God and anointed by Him in the work of His Kingdom. I enjoy when Bro. Andrew preaches for many reasons including this one. It is a true blessing to watch people be used of God.

Tonight Bro. Andrew read all of Hebrews chapter 11 and part of chapter 12. For the last few years in my life Hebrews chapter 11 has become a part of the Bible very dear to me. I have used it to sharpen my spirit on a number of occasions. His message was very simply ‘keep on keeping on,’ and challenging the church to just an 8% growth this year.

For the last few weeks I have been in a fog for a new theme for Lifesavers and Vacation Bible School (Believe it or not, I really do have to start thinking about it this early in the year). After Bro. Elms message to the church about going ‘inward, outward, upward,’ I knew the ‘feeling’ I wanted but I just couldn’t place it.

It was as if my direction for the year was hanging somewhere just beyond my grasp. Ever had that happen? I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I knew what I felt, I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t know what it was (confusing, I know).

Tonight, before Bro. Andrew started, I asked God to let me be like a gold digger, sifting through the sand for one small nugget of something that could give me what I needed. I remembered the Samaritan woman and asked for just a crumb. Then conviction set in. I am not a Samaritan. I may not be prefect, but I am a child of the King.

Isn’t it just like us to ask God for some ‘little’ thing instead of what we really need or want? Why is that? Why do we sometime underestimate or under-request our God?

I repented right then and told God to forget everything I had just asked. I told Him instead to feed me. I told Him I wanted a big portion- whatever He had. I wanted it all. I told Him to give me not just a nugget but to fill me. LOL

He did. Not only was I encouraged and challenged but I believe God spoke to me and in the middle of His message, the one Bro. Andrew preached, He gave me a theme for our Children’s Ministry this year.

I am so excited about 2008. I am so thankful and appreciative of the opportunity to be used of God. I want to do all I can. I don’t want to ever forget what a blessing it is to be in a position where you are entrusted with affecting the Kingdom of God.

I owe my church everything. All of my life people have poured themselves into me, to help mold and shape. I have the opportunity to pour back. Thank you Jesus!


Linda Elms said...

Joseph, I love watching as God uses those who have taken the baton and are running with it. I love "the race" we are in and plan on running as long and as far as I can! The message tonight made me even more thankful to be a part of the "end time revival" that we are experiencing. You, and all of those who are your peers are doing an incredible job! By the way, I can't wait to know the "theme" for the Children's Ministry this year!

Tammy Bryant said...

Bro. Joseph, you have me anxiously awaiting for that theme also.

Great post and truly a great message. It touched my heart and filled my soul

Mandy said...

Well the unveiling of this theme is greatly anticipated!

I too am so excited about this coming year it's like Bro Norman said you just feel it!!!

The message last night will not soon be forgotten! God touched us all and gave us a new passion to see the promises come to pass!!!!

Roxana said...

Thank you for this post, Joseph. I, too, am guilty of needing the reminder to quit asking for only the crumbs. I am, after all, a Princess!!

jay5in said...

Turn off that STUPID music or I wont read your blog.

Joseph James said...

Poop on you.