Friday, July 13, 2007

The Game

While looking back at other blogs over the last few weeks, I noticed that I was tagged in this ABC-like game. I had no idea so here is my attempt at setting the record straight. Enjoy...

Available or Single; Why is it ‘Available OR Single’ couldn’t you only be available if you were single… don’t answer.

Best Friend; God- everyone else seems to be dying!

Cake or Pie; Pie- especially if it’s BLUEBERRY!

Drink of Choice; Tea- Unsweet

Essential Item; Cell Phone

Favorite Color; Green

Gummi Bears or Worms; I don’t like anything gummi; however, I do like worms- I think they are pretty cool and nice to play with

Hometown; Wichita Falls, Texas

Indulgence; Vanilla Dr. Pepper

January or February; FEBRUARY- of course- especially the 3rd

Kids; Well… sorta… but that goes back to that whole issue of everyone dying off

Life Isn’t Complete Without…; Faith, Love, Family, & Friends

Marriage date; This one also presents a problem. Why would someone ask about a Marriage date after asking if someone was available OR single? Sounds like someone is trying to get something started up in here…

Number of Siblings; 4

Oranges or Apples; Apples, Apple Juice, Apple Sauce, Apple Pie- It’s all good!

Phobias/Fears; Spiders

Favorite Quote; “Never ask a guy where he is from. If he is from Texas he'll tell ya', if not you'll embarress him."

Reasons to Smile; A beautiful day surrounded by friends

Season(ing); Seasons- Spring & Summer, Seasoning- Salt

Tag Three- A Fellow Political Mind, A Stranger, & The Resting Blogger

Unkown Fact About Me; I used to have a French Pen-pal in grade school and I found some of the letters the other day

Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals- I oppress chicken, turkey, shrimp, lobster, crab, and some fish- not catfish- yuck!

Worst Habit; All of my habits are good! >:o}

X-rays or Ultrasounds; I think this one is stupid- they were really trying for something here

Your Favorite Foods; Sea Food, Mexican, Oriental, Pat’s Hamburgers

Zodiac; Aquarius


Mandy said...

Okay it was worth waiting for. Yours was by far the funniest to read!

Michelle said...

I agree with Mandy. On another note, when you have time could you e-mail me Jason and Julie's address, I need to mail their wedding present to them. My
e-mail is Thank you so much, Sis Michelle