For many of you that is no big deal... but for someone who only votes straight party lines, this is a monumental day. (Or at least it will be.) Why? Well... of all the issues... I really think it comes down to that ridiculous Trans Texas Highway idea that Perry is pushing. Out of all the stupid ideas, I just can't wrap my head around the idea of seizing Texas land, pouring miles of concrete, building tollways, and allowing all the money to go to foreign companies for several years. Anyone who is favor of tollways only needs to travel to the pathetic state of oklahoma (and yes, it’s lowercase on purpose). There is no other way of insuring our roads to complete desolation than to turn them over to a private 'foreign' company that will not be spending any of the income on already existing roads. Besides... in all honesty... who in the world wants a Trans 'anything' Highway down the middle of their state- let alone one as great as Texas.
This of course also means that by default I will also have the opportunity to be voting for David F. Quite a shocker since he was one of the pussys that ran off to oklahoma (another lowercase) when the democrats where not getting their way. Reminded me a lot of another 'gore-loser'. On the issue of David F. I have no idea if I will vote for him or not. All I know is that I have met Mrs. Craft... and somethin' jus' ain't right about that one. (Speaking in my native tongue.) So, for those of you in Wichita Falls here is the official list of endorsements from The Dialogue of Joseph James (I have sooo many readers you know.)
Governor: Carole Keeton Strayhorn (I)
Lieutenant Governor: David Dewhurst (R)
Attorney General: Greg Abbott (R)
Comptroller: Susan Combs (R)
House District 69: David L. Farabee (D)
United States Senator: Kay Bailey Hutchison (R)
United States Representative District 13: William Thornberry (R)
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