The last few days I have been filled with this thought. I am amazed and humbled with the possibilities of what has started in my home.
Never in my mind would I have ever thought that I could possibly be a part of a new church, a new preaching point, a new cell group, a new 'whatever it becomes'; the possibilities are endless.
How powerful is a seed? Powerful enough to find a small crack in the strongest steal, powerful and patient enough to break through concrete, powerful enough to give life to the hungry... powerful enough to defy all odds, survive almost impossible situations, live, and reproduce.
It almost makes you wonder if seeds do not exist for the metaphoric purpose of providing us with a visual of the limitless power and potential of God's word and His Kingdom.

Awesome thought!!! Excited for what is happening!!
I have a blog spot and just for no reason at all clicked on next your post. I needed to hear that,thank you.
I am an underdog running for City Council and just when I wonder what I am doing, something like this crosses my path...Thank you for the seed story- I too have also been amazed at the power of a seed. I haven't thought about it in sometime. Thanks again, Sherry
Good post. Thanks.
I always enjoy hearing about the power of the seed. You said it so well...thanks.
Additionally, not to mention that with our E. Pluribus Unum it is "from many, one" but with the seed it is from one, many.
Interesting thought... thank you, Jim.
So inspirational and motivational! To think that one small seed can be the beginning of something wonderful and deliver even more seeds to spread the good.
I love the "thought"! Also, I'm so thankful for what God is doing in your home and in your life. Greater things are yet to be done...through YOU!
So nice of you to stop by... Love You!
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