Monday, December 15, 2008

The Third Day of Christmas

The first 'gift' was completely spiritual, the second- well, sorta, and the third... well... it is certainly important enough to mention!

I keep on my iphone (I found its first flaw today- you must take your gloves off in 20 degree weather to use the touch screen- they need to fix that) the current temperature for Wichita Falls, Ft. Worth, San Antonio, and Rochester, New York. I do this because all of my family lives in one of these four places... because, believe it or not, all except for our small Texas off-shoot, all live relatively close to one another.

Today in Wichita Falls the temperature stayed below 32 all day. In Rochester it hovered near 50 around late noon. I mention this because even though they were shockingly warmer than us all day, I never once wished to trade anyone places.

So... today I reflect on the gift of my Texas birth. If these gifts are about things that have had a great importance in my life then this one surely has. Early in the month of February I was born in a small north Texas town- thank you Jesus!

To a lot of people in the United States this means nothing; however, to Texans it means everything. This gift brings about a multitude of joys: the knowledge of good food; the ability to strike up a conversation about the weather with someone I don't know; the joy of living in a conservative state; knowing the social rules of leaving a crowded parking lot; and knowing how to make a delicious glass of 'sun tea.'

I have visited New York, as well as many other states, and I am so happy I live in a place where even at Christmas we are still a little slower than most. Even the long lines in Texas are so much happier than in other places. It is just a wonderful place to be.

We may not have very much snow or any of that 'white Christmas' stuff they sing about- which is perfectly fine with me because I HATE winter and cold weather anyway- but there is no other place I would rather call 'home.'


Karla said...

AMEN!!! Like the bumper sticker says, "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could!" LOL!

Linda Elms said...

I "echo" my sisters comment. I love living in Texas! It's my HOME and I really don't ever plan on living anyplace else, except HEAVEN. Until then , I call this "heaven on earth"!

Lynn said...

"There wouldn't be an Alamo, No Cowboys in the Superbowl, No Lonesome Dove, No Yellow Rose: If it wasn't for Texas.

It made me the man I am: Thank God for my old stompin' ground! I wouldn't be standin' right here, right now, if it wasn't for Texas!"

A quote from one of your favorite singers and fellow Texans, George Strait.

Madison S. said...

I was born in misery (missouri) but I call myyself a transplanted TEXAN!! And the gloves with the Iphone yes that is the only complaint I have so far.

Joseph James said...

George who?

Lynn said...


Michelle said...

Oh Joseph, don't tell me you don't know who George is! I love Texas too, it is the BEST state in the union. And Billy is with you on the cold weather, he hates it! I love it though, it never gets all that cold here anyway:)

Joseph James said...

Billy is a smart guy... and I HATE country music... funny guy knows that.