Shivam is from India and he was born on February 22, 2003. I received a copy of his report card today as well as a current copy of his health check up and the status of his family. I support Shivam and his family each month through a Christian organization called World Vision.
I send Shivam birthday cards, stickers, letters, and once we even exchanged palm prints. All of our communication is done through a World Vision translator who visits him once a month and helps keep me informed on various conditions surrounding Shivam and his family. Whenever something arrives from World Vision, it is the FIRST thing I open!
Shivam has told me that his favorite hobby is ‘playing.’ He thinks the best thing about him is that he is honest. I have also learned from him (and the translator said the same) that he is very talkative… so I guess he really is honest… but most five year-olds are talkative… at least when they want to be!
Shivam Ishvardeen: August 2008
For families with children, I don't think there can be a better lesson in learning about the importance of missions giving beside supporting a child or giving to a Missionary family that is willing to allow their children to correspond with others. Receiving mail from a child in another country was an eye opening experience for me as a child as it would be for any.
Maybe you can do a little something extra? As an Apostolic whose church is so important, it can be easy to hide behind the church by telling ourselves that we ‘support’ it, and we don’t have to support anything else. Supporting your church is necessary; however, I believe supporting other things can be just as biblical and healthy.
Perhaps there is a Christian organization that seems to exemplify a burden you have? Maybe it’s a secular group that does a great deal with humanitarian issues? Whatever the group or cause may be, as long as you are not robbing your church, giving of your time or finances can be very rewarding as well as an invaluable teaching tool.
Don’t be the type of Christian who is ‘moved’ by what you hear, see, and know: thinking that someone else who is more fortunate can ‘do.’
How neat! He is so cute! Glad you are reaching around the world.
I knew when we went to the Casting Crowns concert that the child on that paper would be special. Shivam Ishvardeen is very lucky to have you in his life. I know this first hand, as I am very lucky to have you in mine. I love you cousin.
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