Saturday, March 01, 2008

Have You Decided?

Have you decided who you will support in the upcoming Presidential Nomination for Candidates to run for President of the United States? You need to.

March 4: Vote then caucus for Mike Huckabee.

Why vote for Mike? Because he really is the ONLY conservative running. Don't hide behind transparent principles and vote for someone just because you feel they have a better chance at 'beating' someone else. If this current election season is teaching us anything... it is not to try and predict the American vote.

It is time for the Sovereign Republic of Texas to speak. Let your voice be heard, Texas!


Lynn said...


Joseph James said...

Was there something you wanted to say 'Dubya'?

Anonymous said...

dont like the blue joseph

Linda Elms said...

I love the fact that you are patriotic, but the colors really hurt my eyes! I can't stay focused. Maybe a little darker blue would be better. Please...

Lynn said...

HAHA!!! It's almost a 3-D effect!!